HoD’s Corner
It is my immense pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Civil Engineering. The department having highly-qualified and highly experienced faculty, promises to produce the outcome based Under Graduates and Post Graduates. The department has state-of-the-art laboratories with all equipment and software which cater to academic needs and fulfill authentic testing of materials for stakeholder. The department has ability to produce the Engineers with in-depth knowledge for analysis, design, construction and maintenance of various structures, additionally computer design skills, communication skills and management skills to satisfy the client better.
The department is focused to fulfill the following objectives:
- To nurture the students with multi-dimensional skill sets.
- To focus on Outcome Based Education by innovative pedagogy, Industry-Academic interaction and doing live projects etc.
- Each student is focused through a Mentor – Mentee Scheme where students are emphasized for good academics, placements and participation in co-curricular activities.
- Eminent Faculty members from IITs are teaching the students as experts in many areas of Civil Engineering
- The research is promoted to do by the students and the faculty in various areas of Civil Engineering with funds provided by the Institute
- The Faculty Development Programs are also conducted by the Department to train the faculty to teach better practices to the students
- Industry Internship is designed in the curriculum for full semester in the final year so that students may be exposed to the real face of the field of Civil Engineering
- Good placements are taken place due to the industry internship with high packages in reputed companies
Dr. Ananda Babu K.
Associate Professor & Head
Department of Civil Engineering
Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
- To educate Civil Engineers having value based excellence with innovative approach towards research that will help to face global challenges of this profession.
- To promote excellence by imparting quality education in Civil Engineering and encouraging creativity, critical thinking and discipline along with sensitivity towards society and environment