The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at SVIIT Indore is renowned for cutting edge research and for imparting state of the art engineering education in the field of Computer Science & Engineering. We attract some of the brightest students and faculty across the country. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology & Science, was formed in 1995. The first undergraduate batch rolled out in the year 1999. Now Department of Computer Science and Engineering is running under Shri Vaishnav Institute of Information Technology after establishment of Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore in 2015. The students those who join our department are the cream of this country. Since its inception, the department has always been recognized all over the world for excellence in learning and teaching. The Department provides an outstanding research environment complemented by superior teaching for its students to flourish in. Graduates from the department are heavily recruited by both academia and industry. All over the world, ex-students of the Department occupy top positions in both academia and industry.
Department runs Post Graduate Courses in Computer Science and Engineering and Software Engineering. These course will lead to world class research for Ph D seekers at our Research & Development Centre. The Department provides an outstanding research environment complemented by excellence in teaching.
The Department has state of the art infrastructure including an R & D Centre for Software Engineering. It also has computing equipment supported by high speed networks. Various Student organizations like IEEE Chapter and CSI Chapter are active throughout the year. Our faculties aim at delivering top class education blending their rich research experience with classroom teaching. The Department has undertaken many research projects funded both by multinationals and government agencies.
In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface
“I take the pleasure in welcoming you to Shri Vaishnav Institute of technology and Science, SVVV, Indore, an institute dedicated to the proper growth and development of each and every student for a better career prospect.
Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology and Science (SVITS) is having a glorious past of about 25 years, as it has been the foremost institution of higher technical education in the state of Madhya Pradesh. This institution of higher technical learning has immensely contributed to the nation building by providing technical intellect talent possessing latest analytical, design, practical and managerial skills. As SVITS
Shri Vaishnav Institute of Textile Technology
Email ID: svits
Qualification : M.TECH
Email ID :
Qualification : M-TECH,B.E,MBAS.S.C.
First Year Internal Time Table Jan-2023