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Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering intend to impart quality degree programs. These programs emphasize on fundamental principles to create technological excellence and exceptional ability in the students and to inculcate in them professional, social and ethical values. The undergraduate programme of the department is twice accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi.

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is running under Shri Vaishnav Institute of technology and Science after establishment of Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore .

The department is running 10 undergraduate, 8 postgraduate and 2 Diploma programs.

The department is also running Ph. D programs

Department is equipped with modern and sophisticated laboratories and is served by qualified and experienced faculty members. Several faculty members are pursuing higher qualifications, such as Ph.D. from reputed institutions like IIT’s, NIT’s, and top B-Schools. Most of our students are placed in national and multinational companies and reputed organizations.

Department also established E-yantra robotics lab with collaboration of IIT Bombay and also won many prizes in different national level robotics events such as Texas Instrument, TCS code vita , Enginx.




We strive to be a centre of excellence that produces creative technocrats; those can undertake the global challenges to enhance overall prosperity by nurturing technology.


We intend to impart quality degree program that emphasizes on fundamental principles to create technological excellence and exceptional ability in the students and inculcate in them professional, social and ethical values.

Program Educational Objectives

  • To develop the ability among students to understand the concepts of applied mathematics, science, electronics & communication engineering with an attitude for lifelong learning.
  • To train the students with good scientific and engineering breadth, for analyzing, designing and synthesizing system for real life problems.
  • To inculcate in student communication skills, professional skills, team work skills and leadership qualities, this addresses issues related to society in a responsive, ethical, and innovative manner.

Program Outcomes

  • Apply knowledge of Mathematics, Science and Electronics engineering.
  • To include among student an ability to design electronics circuits and conduct experiments with electronic systems, analyze and interpret data.
  • An ability to diagnose the problems and give optimized solutions.
  • Ability to investigate and work on multidisciplinary tasks.
  • Ability to use modern engineering tools, software and hardware to analyze problems.
  • An understanding of their professional and ethical responsibilities.
  • An ability to broadly educate to have an understanding of the impact of engineering applications on society and demonstrate awareness of contemporary issues.
  • An ability to develop confidence for self education and ability for life-long learning.
  • An ability to participate and succeed in competitive examinations.
  • An ability to remain prepared for successful careers in industry that meets the requirement of industries.
  • an ability to create sustainable, eco- friendly and cost effective projects.
  • An ability to communicate effectively in both verbal and written forms.