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Paper Title/ book chapter/ Article


Publisher Detail


1 FPGA Implementation of Module Based Multiple Line Pseudorandom Sequence Generator. Anjali Supekar, Preet Jain National Conference on VLSI, Communication and Networks,Easwari Engineering College Chennai 12-13 September 2008
2 Expandable Multiple Line Binary Test Sequence Generator with Gray Code Counter and De-multiplexer as Design Elements Anjali Supekar, Preet Jain International Conference VLSI and Communication Engineering, SAINTGITS College of Engineering 16-18 April, 2009
3 FPGA Implementation of Expandable Multiple Line Test Pattern Generator with Standard Combinational Logic Elements Anjali Supekar, Preet Jain National Conference on Information Technology Trends in Engineering Application (NEC-2009) Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore 19-21 March 2009
4 Investigating the Effect of Motion  Blur and Gaussian Noise in Image and Comparative Analysis of various Filter for Reconstruction of Image Gaurav Makwana, Jitendra  Managre, Alla Karketta International  Journal for Scientific Research and Development  Vol. 3, 2014-15
5 Personal Verification  and Identification using Hand Geometry Biometrics Shaily Vijayvargiya Natinal Conference 2014-15
6 A comparative study of vedic multiplier without and with pipeline technique,  Deepak Mittal Published in  Volume 2,Issue 4 in April 2016, PAPER ID : IJSARTV2I42088  April 2016
7 Area and delay efficient vedic multiplier using pipeline technique,  Deepak Mittal Published in E-Journal Volume 2,Issue 4 in April 2016, PAPER ID : IJSARTV2I42081  April 2016
8 A Novel Technique of R-Peak Detection for ECG Signal Analysis: Variable Threshold Method in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics & Communication Engineering,  Deepak Mittal Volume.4.Issue.5.,May-2015,pp.1167.-.1169. ,May-2015
9 Agriculture Multi sensor Data Fusion & Analysis System in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics & Communication Engineering,  Deepak Mittal Volume.4.Issue.5.,May-2015,pp.1334.-.1337. ,May-2015
10 Noise Removal in ECG Signal Using Savitzky-Golay Filter in International Journal
of Advanced Research in Electronics & Communication Engineering, 
Deepak Mittal Volume.4.Issue.5.,May-2015,pp.1331.-.1333. ,May-2015
11 “Analysis and Characterization of VCO for UWB application”. neha maheshwari CISCON 2010 Manipal University. 12-13/11/2010
12 Design of 4 X 4 binary multiplier using 0.18 um Technology of VCO for UWB application” neha maheshwari vol-2 issue-1 International Journal in IJLTET with ISSN No. 2278-621X Jan-13
13 design and simulation of vedic multiplierUSING VHDL CODE raghuveer patel, neha maheshwari vol-6issue-2 ISSN No.2320-2882 IJCRT Apr-18
14 A two stage and three stage CMOS OPAMP with fast settling, high DC gain and low power designed in 180nm technology A. Gupta, U. B. S. Chandrawat, D. K. Mishra, R. Khatri and P. Jain International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (CISIM), 2010, Krackow, 2010 8-10 Oct. 2010 
15 WSN Based Ubiquitous Agricultural Information & Irrigation System Chintan kumar patel, Prof Namit Gupta Proceedings of the 5th National Conference; INDIACom-2011 at  BVICAM, New Delhi.   March 2011
16 To determine the temperature coeficient of the heat sinks with their comaparative analysis Chintan kumar patel ICE-IEEE in International conference at ,svits indore  janury-2014
17 Assistive Devices for Physically Challenged Person Mayank Mandloi, Preet Jain International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks 2011, Gwalior 07-09 Oct 2011
18 PLC Based Automatic Sequential Process Control System Chintan kumar patel IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development ,ISSN : 2321-0613,Vol. 3 Issue 03,2015
19 A Low Power Low Noise Amplifier for Ultra Wideband Applications Khatri R., Mishra D.K, Jain P International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), 2012 Rajkot 11-13 May 2012
20 BIST for System on Chip for Biomedical Signal Processing Preet Jain, D.K Mishra IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop, Woburn, USA 9-11 May’12
21 Wearable Assistive and Recognition Device using Android Harsh Rajguru, Jyotendra Sharma, Lalit Mishra, Preet Jain National Conference on Advances in Assistive and Mainstream Technologies for Persons with Special Needs, Bhimavaram 5-7 March 2013
22 Design of Wireless Sensor Node for Agriculture Field Monitoring Chintan kumar patel IJECCE Sep.2013
23 DESIGN OF AUTOMATIC ACCIDENT RESPONSE SYSTEM AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL AT INTERSECTION Nakul Parashar, Preet Jain 4th National Conference on Networking, Embedded, and Wireless System, NEWS-2016, Bengaluru 3-4 June 2016
24 A System on Chip based Serial Number Identification using Computer Vision Rajkumar Mishra, Preet Jain IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology,Bengaluru 20-21 May 2016
25 Agri info system Chintan kumar patel ECOMM-11 2011
26 Print Server Using Raspberry Pi Sucheta Dalal, Preet Jain IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology,Bengaluru  
27 Fundamental of Matrix Converter Ankita Papriwal & Rahul shivhare 1st International Science congress in Research Journal of Recent Science 24-25 Dec 2011
28 Application of DSTATCOM using MATLAB/ SIMULATION in power system Sourabh Bhattacharya , Ankita Papriwal , Ankit Agrawal, Abhishek Rawal & Kirty Vibhute National level conference (RASTM-2011) 12-13 NOV
29 Mitigation of Harmonics in Inverter Ankita papriwal & Dr. Amita Mahor International organization of science and
  research (ISOR) Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Volume 2, Issue 9 , PP 98-105,e-ISSN: 2250-3021,
p-ISSN: 2278-8719
30 Review of Mitigation of harmonics in Multilevel   Inverters using PSO Ankita papriwal & Dr. Amita Mahor International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research (IJEEER), Vol. 2 Issue 4 , 65-72,
ISSN 2250-155X.
31 Volatge and frequency of wound rotor induction  generator in a standalone grid Gayatri singh, Ankita papriwal AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Emerging Trends in Instrumentation, Communication,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering ICE-ICEE 2014
23rd-25th January 2014
32 Voltage sag assement in area of vulnerability  for mesh network Navita khatri ,Ankita papriwal , Jaya Sharma AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Emerging Trends in Instrumentation, Communication,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering ICE-ICEE 2014
23rd-25th January 2014
33 Reducing Total Harmonic Distortion in Cascaded H- Bridge Multilevel Inverter using Simulation model Ankita papriwal , Jaya Sharma, Navita khatri & Dr. Amita mahor AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Emerging Trends in Instrumentation, Communication,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering ICE-ICEE 2014
23rd-25th January 2014
34 Mitigation of THD in Symmetrical &  Asymmetrical Cascaded H- Bridge Multilevel Inverter using Simulation model Ankita Papriwal, Parul Shrivastava International Conference on Inter-disciplinary Research in Engineering Management, Pharmacy and Science
(ICIREMPS) ICIREMPS-2K15 February 19-22, 2015.
19-22 February , 2015.
35 Volatgae & Frequency Controller for  Self Exicted Induction Generator in Micro Hydro Power Plant Ankita Papriwal, Parul Shrivastava International Conference on Inter-disciplinary Research in Engineering Management, Pharmacy and Science
(ICIREMPS) ICIREMPS-2K15 February 19-22, 2015.
19-22 February , 2015.
36 Voltage Sag Assessment with Respect to  Sensitivity of Adjustable Speed Drives in Distributed Generation Environment Navita Khatri , Ankita Jain,
 Dr. Vinod , R.R. Joshi
IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control, MGI Indore, INDIA 10 -12 September, 2015.
37 THD Analysis of Cascaded H- Bridge  Multilevel Inverters in Fuel Cell Applications Ankita Jain , Navita Khatri
 Parul Shrivastav, Amita Mahor
IEEE International Conference on  Computer, Communication and Control, MGI Indore, INDIA 10 -12 September, 2015.
38 “Particle Swarm Optimization Approach for  Mitigation of Harmonics in Multilevel Inverters: A Review Ankita Jain International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June, 2015
ISSN 2091-2730.
May-June, 2015
39 Electrical energy storage methods  in distributed generation integration to smart grid Jaya Sharma, Ankita Jain,
 Achala Khandelwal, Priyanka Jain
ICRISEM-16, June 2016, Vol.2; Issue 6, Page No.26-31; ISSN: 2454-9665. Jun-16
40 “Efficient use of Speed Breaker for the  Generation of Electricity Ankita Jain, Achala Khandelwal, Jaya Sharma IJEMR, Volume 6, Issue 3, May-June  2016, ISSN No.2250-0758 May-June 2016
41 Voltage and Frequency Control of  Wound Rotor Induction Generator in a Stand-Alone Grid Gayatri Singh , Ankita Jain Journal of Advanced Research  in Instrumentation & Control Engg, Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2016,
ISSN: 2456-1398.
42 Application of Solar Tree in  Economic Electrification Ankita Jain, Priyanka Jain Journal of Advanced Research in Power Electronics & Power Systems, Volume 3, Issue 1&2, 
March 2016, ISSN: 2456-1401.
43 Diminution of Harmonics in Multilevel Inverters Using Particle Swarm Optimization Ankita Jain  , Neha Maithil IEEE International Conference on Information Communication Instrumentation and Control (ICICIC-2017),
MGI Indore, INDIA. Aug 17 -19, 2017.
17 -19 Aug , 2017.
44 A fuzzy controller approach for speed control of HEV S.Mohanty and N.Khatri Multidisciplinary International congress on Innovations in science, Technology and Mnagement challenges and opportunities, SVVV Indore 6th FEB 2018 6th FEB 2018
45 Voltage sag Assessment and Area of Vulnerability due to Balanced Fault for 11 bus system Navita Khatri, R.R Joshi IJEECE,vol.2(1) ,41-47 March (2013) 2277-2626 March 2013
46 Effect on Voltage Sag due to increased Penetration Level of Wind based DG Navita Khatri, R.R Joshi  IJIRTS, Vol.2(4) July 2014 July 2014
47 "Performance Simulation and BER comparison OFDM-MIMO systems in AWGN and Rayleigh Fading Channels with BPSK modulation schemes Sandeep K Jain, Lalit Bhanwrela, Pritesh K Jain ICTACT Journal of Communication Technology, Vol. 9, Iss, 1 Mar-18
48 A review on comparative analysis of AODV and DSR protocols based on QoS in Wireless Ad-hoc Network Dr. Swapnil Jain, Lalit Bhanwrela STM Journal of RTSRT Vol. 4, Iss.3 Dec-17
49 Digiboard- An application based digital notic board Lalit Bhanwrela, Pritesh K Jain STM Journal of RTECS, Vol. 3, Iss.3 Dec-16
50 Teaching for knowledge Spreading, Benefit to Society and Self Growth is incidental Mohit Khamele, Lalit Bhanwrela Book Chapter in Innovative Teaching Practices for 4G students by IOR International Press Jun-19
51 Innovative Teaching Approaches- A guide to a Teacher Lalit Bhanwrela, Mohit Khamele Book Chapter in Innovative Teaching Practices for 4G students by IOR International Press Jun-19
52 Innovative teaching practices need of the hour Lalit Bhanwrela, Mahendrapratap Singh Pawar Book Chapter in Innovative Teaching Practices for 4G students by IOR International Press Jun-19
53 A Case Study Referring to the Energy Audit in a Captive Thermal Power Plant D.Rathod, N.Maithil and N.khatri IJIR, Vol.2(7),pp.967-974, June 2016 ISSN:2454-1362 June 2016
54 Analysis of sensitivity of Equipment Trip Due to Voltage sag in transmission Network Connetced with Photo-voltaic Plant N.khatri,Jaya Sharma,Deepak Rathod,Neha Maithil IJOER, Vol.4(3), May-June 2016 ISSN: 2321-7758 June 2016
55 Stochastic evaluation of voltage sag in power system network considering effect of photovoltaic generation N.Khatri,V.Kumar,R C Bansal, R.R Joshi International Trans Electr Energ Syst. Nov 2018;e2773. ISSN: 2050-7038. Nov 18
56  A Literature Review on Control and Stability Analysis of Microgrid S.Mohanty and N.Khatri  Third Annual Technical Volume of Electrical Engineering, IEI, pp 16-26 ,Vol.3 April 2019 ISBN: 978-81-939709-4-2. April 2019
57 Particle Swarm Optimization applied to Economic Load Dispatch Problem Khushboo Hardia, Neha Maithil, Manish Shah IJR, Vol.2, Issue 9, September 2015 September 2015
58 Transient Stability Enhancement of  SMIB System with Fuzzy based PSS Controller & UPFC using MATLAB Simulink Rahul Agrawal , Neha Maithil, Manish Bhardwar IJAREEIE, Vol.5, Jan.16 Jan.16
59 A Literature Review on Control and Stability Analysis of Microgrid Shraddha Gajbhiye, Dr Navita Khatri IEI, Annual Technical Volume-3 of Electrical engineering division board-2019,theme Grid Management in a Multiple Energy Resources ScenarioPP:16-26,ISBN: 978-81-939709-4-2 2019
60 Application of AI technique to multiobjective deterministic economic-emission load dispatch optimization problem” Ms. Shraddha Gajbhiye SAJMS, Vol. 3 issue 2 Feb 2016.Pg:-278-284. 2016
61 Optimal dispatch of generation with valve point loading using firefly optimization technique Ms. Shraddha Gajbhiye,
Dr. H. K. Verma.
IJITEE vol-3, issue-2, April-2014 pp 48-53. 2014
62 Firefly Optimization Application for Economic Load Dispatch Problem with valve point loading Ms. Shraddha Gajbhiye World Acad. J. Eng. Sci 01 1008(2014) pp. 1-6. 2014
63 Optimal power flow path selection using different shortest path algorithm Ms. Shraddha Gajbhiye IJIET vol-2, issue-1, Feb-2013 pp. 213-217. 2013
64 Genetic Algorithm application to Reactive power control Ms. Shraddha Gajbhiye IJETED issue-2 vol.-1 January-2012. pp. 131-138. 2012
65 Alliviation of voltage limit violation using Genetic Algorithm Ms. Shraddha Gajbhiye IJCCT issue-VIII vol.-2 -2011 pp. 101-105. 2011
66 Modified Droop Controller for Low voltage Microgrid Shraddha Gajbhiye, Dr Navita Khatri Shodh-2020. 2020
67 Review on Stability Analysis and Control of Microgrid using Modified Droop control Shraddha Gajbhiye, Dr Navita Khatri Shodh-2019. 2019
68 Smart energy management for frequency control in Hybrid AC Microgrid Shraddha Gajbhiye, Dr Navita Khatri Shodh-2018. 2018
69 A literature survey on control strategies in a Microgrid Ms. Shraddha Gajbhiye Fifth International Conference PCIE 2017. Sep 15-16 2017.
70 “Firefly Optimization Application for Economic Load Dispatch Problem with valve point loading” Ms. Shraddha Gajbhiye ICE-ICEE-2014. 2014
71 “Emergency control of reactive power using Genetic Algorithm” Ms. Shraddha Gajbhiye BVS-2009 24 & 25 Jan-2014
72 Real time cost effective e-saline monitoring and control system  Shyama Yadav , Preet Jain International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials (ICCCCM-2016) 21-22 Oct. 2016
73 Development of e-shopping cart with theft control mechanism: No queue  Bhasha Chaure and Preet Jain International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends (ICETT), Kollam, 2016,   21-22 Oct. 2016 
74 Review on Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) for 5G Shyam Gehlot and Dr.Swapnil Jain 3rd Doctoral Conference on Innovation Invention & Industrialization, SHODH-2019, held at SVVV, Indore April 2019
75 “Review the technique for channel estimation and optimization of network key performance for Non Orthogonal Multiple access (NOMA)” Shyam Gehlot and Dr.Swapnil Jain international conference on innovation in engineering science ,management and technology ICIESMT-,12-13 Dec. ,2019 held at S. B. Jain Institute of Technology ,Management & Research (SBJITMR) ,Nagpur ,Maharashtra 12-13 Dec. ,2019
76 Design and implementation of channel estimation for Non Orthogonal Multiple access (NOMA)” Shyam Gehlot and Dr.Swapnil Jain International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research -IJSER (ISSN 2229-5518) Dec. 2019 Dec. 2019
77 Review on Massive MIMO”, Shyam Gehlot and Dr.Swapnil Jain 2nd Doctoral Conference on Interdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development, SHODH-2018, held at SVVV, Indore March 2018
78 Optimal Allocation of SVC for Enhancement of Voltage Stability limit and Minimization of Transmission losses in Power System using Particle Swarm Optimization Radha Verma, Shuchi Shah, Neha Kothari International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research , vol.2, Issue 9, April 2019 April 2019
79 Performance Enhancement Of IEEE 802.16 E (Mobile WI-MAX) System With
Adaptive Modulation and Coding Techniques
M. Agrawal, N. Purohit and S. Kaushik International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology, ISSN: 2277-9655, pp. 18-23, 2015 2015
80 Performance Improvement of WIMAX with FEC Zigzag Code Using MIMO Technique S. Raut and N. Purohit IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, e-ISSN: 2278-2834, vol. 10, Issue 3, pp. 86-91, 2015 2015
81 Design of Hybrid Speed Controller for Dynamic and Steady State Stability Enhancement of DTC Based Induction Motor Drive Shrikant Dandotiya, Rohan Gupta 3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) 2018
82 Performance Evaluation of DSDV and MDSDV Routing Protocol with Varying Node Density A. Mahajan and N. Purohit International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, vol. 4, Issue 9, pp. 56-59, 2014 2014
83 Performance evaluation of urban and rural areas for VANET A. Bhatt and N. Purohit International Journal of Technology and Research, 2014 2014
84 Millimeter Wave Communication for 5G: An Inclusive Survey N. Purohit and N. Gupta International Conference on Innovative in Engineering Sciences, Management and Technology (ICIESMT-2019)  12-13 December 2019
85 Modified full-bridge zero-voltage-switching dc-dc converter N. Purohit, M. Borage, S. R. Tiwari and
S. P. Phulambrikar
International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems, (ICEPES-2010), MANIT Bhopal 26-28 August 2010
86 Design of AC to DC converter for High Power Application N. Purohit, M. Borage, S. R. Tiwari and
S. P. Phulambrikar
National Conference on Advances in  Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (AEEE-2011), SVCE Indore 24-25 February 2011
87 Detection of fault in transmission line during power swing using fuzzy c-means clustering transmission line protection Dr. Premalata jena, Mr. Rohan Gupta International Conference on Information, Communication, Instrumentation and Control (ICICIC) IEEE 2017
88 Published a Design Patent on ''Portable Cycle'' Mr. Rohan Gupta Intellectual Property of India,Design No. 294173, Journal No. 25/2019 2019
89 Massive MIMO Channel Estimation Techniques: A Survey" S. Chanchal and N. Gupta International Conference on Engineering Mathematical and Computational Intelligence, Jabalpur 2019
90 "A Review on Massive MIMO for 5G" S. Chanchal “Innovation, Invention & Industrialization: Emerging Issues” 2018
91 Analysis of Higher Order Statistical Techniques for Speech
Signal Recognition
Saurabh Kumar Pandey, Chanchal Soni, Anjali Gupta,Priya Nagar International conference , SIRT Bhopal 2011
92 Higher Order Statistical Techniques Analysis for Non-linear Systems Evaluation  Saurabh Kumar Pandey, Chanchal Soni, Anjali Gupta International Journal of Electronics and Electrical February 2015Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 24-27 Feb-15
93 Exponential decreasing linear weight inertia particle swarm optimization in economic load dispatch Jaya Pediwal, Navita Khatri, Amita Mahor IJEIR,vol.1(5), 1. sept,2012
94 Particle Swarm Optimization Approach For Economic Load Dispatch: A Review” Jaya Sharma, Amita Mahor International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 3, Issue 1, January-February 2013
95 Voltage Sag Assessment and Area of Vulnerability for Mesh Network Navita Khatri, Ankita Papriwal, Jaya Pediwal, R.R Joshi World Academic Journal of Engineering and Science Vol 1, issue 2 ,p.p 1001-1-5
96 Transmission System Design :Synchronization Of Electrical & Civil Work J. Sharma, V.Chouhan, N.Khatri ,N. Joshi IJOER vol.3(3),pp 393-398, May-June 2015
97 Distributed Generation & its Impacts on Power System Operation Namra Joshi, Jaya Sharma International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Engineering & Technology, organized by Merchant Engineering College, Mehsana, Gujrat, March 19-21, 2014.
98 Comparison of performance and cost of wind and solar hybrid system using Homer software N. Khatri, Jaya Sharma ,N.Joshi IJOER vol.3(3), pp 660-670 May-June 2015 ISSN: 2321-7758
99 Distributed generation in Indian power system Namra Joshi, Jaya Sharma, Mandeep Surali International journal of advances in management, technology & engineering sciences, vol.II, issue 9(I), June2013,ISSN: 2249-7455
100 “An approach for solving economic load dispatch problem using Exponential Decreasing Inertia weight Particle Swarm Optimization Jaya Pediwal, Navita Khatri, Amita Mahor IJDI-ERET ISSN2320-7590.Vol.5,issue 2 DEC.2016,
101 “Design of Stabilized operator based 1/3rd order digital diiferentiator"
Mausmi Verma IJECSE pages 2095 – 2099, Volume 1 Number 4, October 2012, ISSN: 2277-1956. Oct 2012
102 An Improved Design for the IIR digital Fractional order Filter using Indirect Discretization Approach J. Pandey, M verma IJSRET, Pages 025-030, Volume 1 Issue 3, August 2012, ISSN: 2278-0882 Aug 2012
103 A Review on an Emerging Technology: Blockchain”, in Shodh-2019 Kriti Patidar, Dr. Swapnil Jain 3rd Doctoral Conference on Innovation, Invention & Industrialization: Emerging Issues, March 29, 2019
104 Blockchain and its Applications: A Systematic Survey Kriti Patidar, Dr. Swapnil Jain TEQIP III Sponsored 2nd National Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networks, MNIT Jaipur June 20-21, 2019
105 Decentralized E-Voting Portal Using Blockchain Kriti Patidar, Dr. Swapnil Jain 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication And Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), IIT Kanpur July 6-8, 2019
106  Design of Highly Reliable PLC Base Automatic Drilling Machine for Industrial Automation to Optimize Wooden Plank Circular Cross Section Cutting Process. Jitendra Managre Juni Khyat (UGC Care Group I listed Journal), ISSN:2278-4632, Vol-10,Issue-6, 13 June 2020
107 PLC Based Automatic Sequential Process Control System , IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development Jitendra Managre ISSN : 2321-0613,Vol. 3,Issue 03 March 2015
108 DSP Based High Power DC-DC Converter Jitendra Managre International Journal for software and Hardware research Enginerring, volume 1 , issue 1, 2014
109 Coordination between Electrical & Civil Engineering in Transmission System Design Namra Joshi, Jaya Sharma, Vipin Chouhan AICTE sponsored International Conference on Emerging Trends in Instrumentation, Communication, Electrical & Electronics Engineering organized by SVITS, Indore, January 23-25, 2014
110 Application of WAMS in Power System Monitoring & Control Namra Joshi, Jaya Sharma International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) Feb-17
111 INVESTIGATE SYSTEM SOLUTION FOR WIND ENERGY SECTOR IN INDIA Namra Joshi ,H.P. Dishoriya , Jaya Sharma International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering, Science & Technology Nov-16
112 Application of IOT in Indian power system Namra Joshi, Jaya Sharma International conference June 2020
113 Optimal Wiener Filter Design for Noise Reduction in ECG Signals Gaurav Makwana and Maya Pawar  RAMCTM-2013, ISBN: 978-93-83083-21-3. 16 June, 2013
114 Fir Filter Design for the Removal of Random Noise From ECG Signal Akshay Jain, Akansha Rathore, Nidhi Potdar and Gaurav Makwana   AECE-2013, SVCE Indore 15-16 March, 2013,
115 Estimation of Coefficients in Polynomial Load Torque of Induction Motor by using Tuning Function Method Gaurav Makwana and B. Sarkar IEEE International conference on ICGCCEE, Coimbatore, 7-8 march 2014.
116 Design and analysis of bio gas purification systems for automotive applications Jitendra managre, chintan Patel, gaurav Makwana IJPLES May 2016
117 Prototype for Estimation of Age in Humans Using Dental Radiographs Gaurav Makwana, Maya Pawar, Alka Karketta, Jitendra Managre International Conference on Advances in Engineering Research & Applications -2014 (ICAERA2014), OIST Bhopal. 2014
118 De-Noising of Electrocardiogram (ECG) with Adaptive Filter Using MATLAB Gaurav Makwana, Lalita Gupta  IEEE International conference on Communication System and Networks Technologies Gwalior 04-06 April 2015.
119 A Theoretical Approach to Design  “A Fingerprint based Attendance System” Vijay Chauhan, chintan patel, jitendra Managre, Gyanesh savita International Journel IJAIR, vol -5 issue 6,ISSSN 2278-7844 june 2016, 
120 Real Time Automated Water Distribution System For Domestic And Industrial Uses Gaurav Makwana, Jitendra Managre, Chintan Patel, Nilesh Patidar International Journal of Pharmacy, Engineering & Life Sciences| Vol 1, Issue 2(1),  June 2016
121 Identification of Micro-calcification in Mammogram for Breast Cancer Analysis using SVM Classifier Gaurav Makwana, Lalita Gupta International Journal of Engineering and Technology, UAE (Scopus Indexed) Volume 7,No 2,   April 2018.
122 Histopathological Image Analysis for Identification of Breast Cancer Using Support Vector Machine Classifier Gaurav Makwana, Lalita Gupta Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (Scopus Indexed) Volume 10, No 5,   June 2018.
123 Water Scarcity: Qualitative study of wastage of water and solution for Indore (Madhya-Pradesh) Satyam Chourasiya, Sunil Yadav, Abhishek Patil, Gaurav Makwana National conference on Electronics Engineering,   
124 Analyzing Complex data in multipath environment using CDMA and OFDM with different modulation schemes Vikas Jain, Dr. B. Harita IJCTM Journal 2013/ IJCTM/02/01/13011
125 Paper presented on Analyze data transmission in Rayleigh channel using OFDM and CDMA with BPSK and QPSK modulation techniques held at RIT Vikas Jain National conference, RIT April 2014
126 Designing of High Speed, Low Cost 32-bit Modified SQRT Carry Select Adder in 45nm Technology  Vijay Chauhan (Co-Author), Gyanesh Savita (Main Author),Tarkeshwar Dhote (Co-author) International Journal of advanced and innovative research (IJAIR) May 2016
127 "ArcGIS Map: Location Based Khasra, Village and Property Mapping with Offline Functionality" Sunil Kumar Jain, Sandeep Kumar Jain, Dr. Baljeet Kaur Journal of Telecommunication, Switching Systems and Networks, ISSN: 2454-6372 (Online), Volume 6, Issue 1, May, 2019
128 Performance Analysis of Transmit Power Control Scheme in Cognitive Radio Network Sandeep Kumar Jain, Y.S. Randhawa and Kanwaljeet Singh ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology, ISSN: 2229-6948, Volume 9, Issue 1: pp.1673-1680 Mar, 2018
129 Performance Simulation and BER Comparision OFDM-MIMO Systems in AWGN and Rayleigh Fading Channels with BPSK Modulation Schemes Sandeep Kumar Jain, Lalit Bhanwrela and Pritesh Kumar Jain ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology, ISSN: 2229-6948, Volume 9, Issue 1: pp.1712-1715 Mar, 2018
130 Cognitive Radio as Encouraging Technology for Efficient Spectrum Resource Utilization Sandeep Kumar Jain, Pritesh Kumar and Kanwaljeet Singh.  International Journal of Control Theory and Applications (IJCTA), ISSN:0974-5572 9(41): pp. 5-11, 2016. Published by International Science Press Feb, 2016
131 "Traffic Watchdog: A Weapon against Terrorism" Lalit Bhanwrela, Sandeep Kumar Jain and Pritesh Kumar Jain, Sanmantrana: A Multi-disciplinary International Congress on Innovation in Science, Technology and Management Challenges and Opportunities, Feb, 2018
132 High Voltage Control for Ionized Chamber Pritesh Kumar Jain, Sanjiv Kane and Chanderkant Garg International Journal of Computer Applications 77(6):32-34,. September 2013
133 Comparative Study of Routing Protocols with Subnetting Implementation in Cisco Packet Tracer. Pritesh Kumar Jain, Manoj Sindhwani, Shippu Sachdeva International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 4(12):646-650 December 2014.
134 Implementation of Heterogeneous Hybrid Multi-Functional Topology in Cisco Packet Tracer Manoj Sindhwani,Pritesh Kumar Jain, Shippu Sachdeva International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 4(12):651-654 December 2014.
135 Cognitive Radio as Encouraging Technology for Efficient Spectrum Resource Utilization. Sandeep Kumar Jain*, Pritesh Kumar Jain**and Kanwaljeet Singh International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications IJC A 9(41) 2016,
136 An Application Based Digital Notice Board. Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication Systems Lalit Bhanwrela, Pritesh Kumar Jain. STM Journal of RTECS, Vol. 3, Iss.3 Dec-16
137 Energy Storage System, Their Types And Need For Integration Of Renewable Energy To Smart Grid Anil Kumar Jain International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology January 2016
138 Utilization of Renewable energy sources in Indian Electricity Sector Anil Kumar Jain IJCTER June 2016
139 Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Smart Grid Systems, and their constraints Anil Kumar Jain IJMTER 2015
140 A Comparative Study of Evolution Stages of Different PV Cells used in Solar Power Generation Anil Kumar Jain IJMTER 2015
141 A study of power system security and contingency analysis Anil Kumar Jain IJSRET July 2014
142 Comparison of Classical Method and Soft Computing Optimization Algorithm applied to
Economic load Dispatch Problem
Anil Kumar Jain IJSRET March 2014
143 Effects of Poor Power Quality on Reliability and Security. Anil Kumar Jain IJLTET March 2013
144 Instrumentation and Measurement of Power Quality Disturbances, Anil Kumar Jain IJLET June 2013
145 Pilferage of electricity: Types and prevention Anil Kumar Jain IJLET June 2012
146 A Study On Recent Development In Smart Grid and Micro Grid Technologies In India Anil Kumar Jain IJAR November 2015
147 Telecommunication needs of smart power Telecommunication needs of smart power sector in India Anil Kumar Jain ICRTESM 2016
148 Multiscale modeling of Nano enable solar cell. Anil Kumar Jain Issues and challenges in Energy Conservation and management held at Varanasi Dec.2009
149 Utilization of Renewable Energy sources in Indian Electricity Sector.  Anil Kumar Jain Published in NCIRE September 2014
150 Energy Optimization in Embedded System through Code Optimization Anil Kumar Jain CGTTM August 2011
151 BER Performance of Convolution Coded Cooperative Relay Network in κ-μ and η-μ Fading Environment Dilip Mandloi, Rajeev Arya  International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-5  March, 2019
152 Performance Analysis of Amplify and Forward Relay network over κ-µ Channel Dilip Mandloi, Rajeev Arya  4th International Conference on Computing in Engineering and Technology 10-11 January 2019 
153 BER based Performance Evaluation of MC-CDMA System Pooja Tomar, Dilip Mandloi  International Journal of Computer Applications Vol.175 Oct-17
154 Review: Low power VLSI design techniques exploring sleep transistor, forced stack and sleepy stack Shiraz Husain, Dilip Mandloi  VSRD International Journal of Technical & Non-Technical Research, Vol. VII Issue I  Feb-16
155 INNOVATIVE TEACHING PRACTICES FOR 4G STUDENTS: Pratibhasthali: Unique and Unparalled Gurukul in Modern Milieu. Sandeep Kumar Jain, Pritesh Kumar Jain BOOK CHAPTER :IOR International Press :ISBN: [978-93-88413-40-4] Jun-19
156 INNOVATIVE TEACHING PRACTICES FOR 4G STUDENTS: Challenges for the Effective Teachings Pritesh Kumar Jain, Sandeep Kumar Jain BOOK CHAPTER :IOR International Press:ISBN: [978-93-88413-40-4] Jul-19
157 Simulation of QX-NOR algorithm of quantum cryptographic key exchange using VHDL Swapnil Jain, Dr. Bharat Mishra, Dr. T.K. Bandopadhyay International Journal of Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, ISSN No. 2051-3240, Vol. 44 Issue 2. 2013
158 QXNOR algorithm of quantum cryptographic key exchange for data security Swapnil Jain, Dr. Bharat Mishra, Dr. T.K. Bandopadhyay International Journal of Advance in Communication Engineering ISSN No. 0975-6094 2012
159 Study of various quantum state attacks in quantum key distribution system (QKD) Swapnil Jain, Dr. Bharat Mishra, Dr. T.K. Bandopadhyay International Journal on Emerging Technology ISSN No. 0975-8364 2011
160 Enhancement of QoS in Mobile Network through Channel Allocation using Software Agents Nitin Muchhal, Swapnil Jain, Yogesh Sharma International Journal of Computer Science Issues ISSN No. 16940784 2011
161 Development of Quantum Cryptographic Techniques for Enhancing Security Swapnil Jain, Rajesh K Shukla, Jayant Shukla, International Journal for Information Technology and knowledge management ISSN No. 0973-4414 2010
162 Review Paper on Fast DHT Algorithm using Vedic Mathematics Shirali Parsai, Swapnil Jain and Jyoti Dangi International Journal of Computer Applications 120(8):32-35 Jun-15
163 VHDL implementation of Discrete Hartley Transform using Urdhwa multiplier Shirali Parsai, Swapnil Jain, Jyoti Dangi IEEE Bombay Section Symposium (IBSS); 09/2015, DOI:10.1109/IBSS.2015.7456665 2015
164 A Review on Noise Reduction of Echo Cardiographic Images based on Temporal Information Archana Sharma, Swapnil Jain International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 151 - Number 11 2016
165 Weighted Guided Image Filtering-A Survey Nidhi Sen, Akhilesh Jain, Swapnil Jain International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 156 - Number 10 2016
166 Review of Wide Bandwidth Low Power Low NOISE Amplifier for Modern Wireless Communication Bhawna Prajapati, Swapnil Jain, Braj Bihari International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 137 number 14 pg 28-32 2016
167 Prevention of DDoS Attack through Trust Management System for VANET Environment Piyush Chouhan, Dr. Swapnil Jain  2nd international conference on computer networks and inventive communication technologies (ICCNCT-2019) organized by RVS technical campus, Coimbatore, India. 2019